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Lesson 2: Embouchure & Free Buzzing

Lesson 2 will go over how to shape your French Horn embouchure and how to free buzz.

Steps to Forming the Embouchure

1. Wet your lips

2. Say "mmmm"

3. Say "puuu"

4. Imagine you are holding a coffee stirrer

5. Diamond shape


Key things to remember

  • Upper lip goes over bottom lip slightly

  • Firm corners

  • Firm, flat chin

  • Diamonds are an aperture's best friend

  • If you are having trouble with a buzz, always go back to "spitting the seed"

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Free Buzzing Exercises

  1. Match Pitches

  2. Roller Coasters

  3. 5 Note Scales

  4. Arpeggios

  5. Easy songs like Twinkle, Twinkle

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