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Lesson 3: Mouthpiece Placement & Mouthpiece Buzzing

Lesson 3 is a continuation of Lesson 2. In this video we will review our embouchure and free buzz and learn how to apply those concepts to the horn mouthpiece. We will also learn the proper way to place the mouthpiece on our embouchure and some common buzzing problems to look out for. 

Steps to Forming the Embouchure

1. Wet your lips

2. Say "mmmm"

3. Say "puuu"

4. Imagine you are holding a coffee stirrer

5. Diamond shape


Key things to remember

  • Upper lip goes over bottom lip slightly

  • Firm corners

  • Firm, flat chin

  • Diamonds are an apertures best friend

  • If you are having trouble with a buzz, always go back to "spitting the seed"

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Placing the Mouthpiece

  1. Form the embouchure

  2. Anchor rim of mouthpiece on lower lip

  3. Raise mouthpiece to cover upper lip

  4. 2/3 upper lip and 1/3 lower lip in mouthpiece

  5. Downward angle of 35 degrees


Buzz Troubleshooting

  • No Buzz = aperture is too big, lips too dry, loose corners

  • Tight sound = choked up aperture, too much back pressure, tense neck, aperture too small

  • Puffing cheeks, bunching chin, rolling in lips = No diamond shape or use of aperture muscle

  • Mouthpiece too high or too low = remember: 2/3 upper lip, 1/3 lower lip in mouthpiece. Keep a downward angle!

*When in doubt, go back to spitting the seed

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Mouthpiece Buzzing Exercises

  1. Match Pitches

  2. Roller Coasters

  3. 5 Note Scales

  4. Arpeggios

  5. Easy songs like twinkle, twinkle

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